Impulse Response for Contrabass Clarinet, electronics and the response of the mosque Yeni Cami in Thessaloniki is getting its world premiere by Nina Janßen-Deinzer on 14th of October 2023, 20:30. An impulse response is the reaction of any dynamic system in response to some external change. In this piece the performer is acting as the impulse, providing to the musical ecosystem the input signal, triggering its response. The venue acts as a third instrument by shaping the overall sound. The piece was designed and partially composed in the venue. Yeni Mosque (Greek: Γενί Τζαμί, from Turkish: Yeni Cami, “New Mosque”) is a historical mosque in Thessaloniki, Greece. It was built by Italian architect Vitaliano Poselli in 1902 for the city’s Dönmeh community, crypto-Jewish converts to Islam. However, when the Donmeh left the city during the population exchange between Greece and Turkey, it was used to house the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki in 1925. Today it serves as an exhibition center.
14 October, 20:00 | Yeni Cami | Archeologikou Mousiou 30, Thessaloniki 546 41 | Free entrance
More info about the performer here