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Accordion Concertino Premiere by P. Andreoglou and BGSU New Music Ensemble | USA

Accordion Concertino is getting its world premiere at Bowling Green University (Ohio, USA) this February featuring Andreoglou Panagiotis (acc) as a soloist performing it along with the Ensemble of New Music of BGSU under the direction of Christopher Dietz.

The piece was commissioned by BGSU New Music Ensemble and was composed a few weeks after Jean Claude Risset’s death. The fundamental structural idea is focused on using Shepard Tones, an auditory illusion first devised by Risset in the field of electronic music. The effect gives the auditory illusion of infinite upward or downward motion which can find a visual equivalent in M.C Escher’s painting “Ascending and Descending”.

2.2.2017. Ohio, USA

7 COnsecutive INVENTions performed by Fani Karagianni

7 Consecutive Inventions is getting a performance by Fani Karagianni at the Macedonian Museum of Modern Art in Thessaloniki. The piece is scored for solo piano and was composed after the traditional folk song “Eicha mian agapē” (I had a love) from Island Paros (Greece). It was commissioned by the COINVENT team at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

19 October 2016

Original Song below

More information on the project below

Orbits performance by Gundega Šmite at Thessaloniki | Greece

Orbits for piano and tape is going to be presented by Gundega Smite at Thessaloniki in a concert organized by Contemporary Music Lab of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Onassis Cultural Centre.

Saturday 14 May 2016 21:00
State Orchestra of Thessaloniki Rehearsal Hall (Solon Michailides)
Leon Avenue 73, Thessaloniki

Music connects the OCC and the Panteion University | Trio Orbits | Athens

Trio Orbits performs on the 16th of May at Panteion University in a collaborative project with Panteion University. The audience will get the opportunity to listen to works by Panayiotis Kokoras, Mario Davidovsky, Jacob ter Veldhuis, Dimitris Maronidis, Henrik Hellstenius

Panagiotis Andreoglou: accordion
Gundega Šmite: piano
Dimitris Maronidis: electronics

Pierrot Lunaire by Arnold Schönberg | Athens

Arnold Schoenberg’s most famous work and a touchstone of musical modernism, “Pierrot Lunaire” has been turned into a music theatre production by the combined forces of the dissonArt ensemble, composer Dimitris Maronidis (electronics), and director Alexandros Efklidis.

“Pierrot Lunaire” (1912), the first atonal masterpiece from the father of the twelve-tone technique, Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951), is transformed here into a piece of music theatre. The vocally demanding role of Pierrot is performed by Frauke Aulbert, a singer the international Press has dubbed the “Queen of avant-garde”.

On a set inspired by Man’s efforts to commune with the universe, musicians and stage performers execute minor rituals that they hope will bring them closer to the unknown to which they aspire. Making use of the innate theatricality of the 21 poems by Albert Giraud which Schoenberg set to music, the production brings together Schoenberg’s historic avant-garde, contemporary psychoacoustics, the moon-dreams of the post-Romantic Pierrot, and the bleakness of the world after the conquest of the Moon.

Athens | Stegi | 2&3 April 2016

Piano Recital “A tutti loro…” | Thessaloniki

a tutti loro… (for piano and tape) was performed by Christina Katidou on 20 March 2016 at the Municipality of Thessaloniki Concert Hall along with pieces by Olivier Messiaen and Tristan Murail. The concert took place in the framework of the project “Remembering the past – building the future” After seven decades since the end of WWII and the bombing of Dresden in 1945, Remembering the Past – Building the Future project seeks to reflect on the aftermath of WWII and more specifically on causes of totalitarian regimes such as Nazism that led to the Holocaust, Fascism, Stalinism and totalitarian communist regimes. In addition, the project aspires to commemorate the victims of crimes committed during WWII and totalitarian regimes by visiting commemoration monuments and places.

Illumination Electronique II at MusLab | Mexico

Illumination Electronique II for tape gets its performance in Mexico!  This piece was composed by using Frequency Modulation techniques. The pitch material is based on the triad A – F# – F. Various formal and time distortions let the piece unfold over time and create new, unpredictable sonic forms.

8 December 2015 @ Conservatorio Nacional Mexico, MUSLAB Festival, Ciudad de México.

Transient Beauty released on CD by Luc Ferrari Competition | France

Transient Beauty for Tape is now released on a CD in a limited edition by the organizers of the International Electronic Music Competition “Luc Ferrari – Presque Rien”. 

Info about the CD Here

The work “Transient Beauty” was composed at ICST ZHdK Zurich during a two weeks residency in August of 2015 and it reflects all the dramatic conditions I was going through, in the previous month, during a very unstable (politically and economically) period in Greece. The form of the piece consists in reality a transition from a very dense, noisy, harsh, and chaotic sound world to the beauty and tranquility of a calm woman’s voice reflecting the alteration between feelings of immense anxiety and hope.

[…]Turning shadow into transient beauty (T.S. Eliot)

Transient Beauty at CIME/ICEM Lisbon | Portugal

Transient Beauty for Tape is going to get a performance at CIME/ICEM in Lisbon-Portugal. The piece will be diffused by German-Toro Perez director of ISCT (Zurich) where the piece was composed. The piece was composed at ICST ZHdK Zurich during a two weeks residency in August of 2015 and it reflects all the dramatic conditions I was going through, in the previous month, during a very unstable (politically and economically) period in Greece. The form of the piece consists in reality a transition from a very dense, noisy, harsh, and chaotic sound world to the beauty and tranquility of a calm woman’s voice reflecting the alteration between feelings of immense anxiety and hope. Some of the music material is based on recordings Luc Ferrari made during May ’68 in France.

Date of Concert 3 October 2015

X-Anthèmes Premiere at Belgrade by Construction Ensemble | Serbia

X-Anthèmes is presented at Belgrade as a part of the Composer’s Review project organized by the Composer’s Association of Serbia. X-Anthemes will be performed by Construction Ensemble on Friday, 25 September 2015, at 8 PM, Foyer of the National Bank of Serbia.

X-Anthèmes is based on national anthems from various countries around the globe. National anthems are, with very few exceptions, heavily militaristic, “serious” music. In this piece, they are processed, reformed, and re-presented from a virtuosic, lighter, and more translucent perspective. Although the selection of the Anthems was made solely with artistic criteria, the reformation itself can be considered as a political statement.

Official Website of International Review Project