4 hommages au carré
for two pianos (2023)
Quatre hommages au carré (four hommages squared) for two pianos was composed in the spring of 2023. The piece is a revised and extended version of 4 (hommage) études for solo piano. In its initial version (etudes), the work had a pedagogical background. The current version for two pianos has been a journey of exploration for some of the work’s own hidden sonic territories. Not being a set of etudes anymore, the piece is departing from its inherent educational character and leans towards a broader sonic spectrum of expression.
The first piece focuses on the sonic properties of closely pitched aggregates (clusters) and how the controlled release of keys can mimic an imaginary low-pass or high-pass filter. The second piece is based on cyclically overlapping rhythmic formations. The entrance points of the rhythmic cells gradually compress/decompress over time while they are also expanding in space, covering the whole range of the instrument. In the third piece, minimalistic techniques are utilized humorously. Three separate layers are deployed and create a static harmonic background on top of which a scattered melody is traveling across all registers in an acrobatic and virtuosic motion. In the final piece, a soft and slowly evolving harmonic layer becomes the ground on top of which a double isorhythmic texture unfolds, creating a starry sonic cosmos full of fragility.
The piece is dedicated to Juris Žvikovs and Sanita Glazenburga. This is the premiere which was given by them at the Koncertzāle Baltais Flīģelis in Sigulda, Latvia on the 15th of July 2023.
The score of the piece is published by Editions Gravis
for Flute and Voice (2018)
Moebius Strip
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for children ensemble (2016)
for ensemble (2015)
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for fl, cl, pno, vln, vlc (2013)
Double Sun
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for ensemble (2009)
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PN Duo
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4 pezzi
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for ensemble (2003)
4 vlc, 3 cl, 2 tr & perc [2003]
Polychromia I
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for ensemble (2002)
Synthesis III
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Small String Quartet
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Two Music Games (2001)